Im In Love!!

Game, Upcoming Games

One of the cutest games i have seen in a while would have to be this lovely little title here!! With such a cute little story and meaning behind it, it is hard not to fall in love with the little character and just explore the game!!

I remember seeing Unravel being dropped here and there but i didn’t know that much about it but it is definitely a title people should check out!!

This title is made by a independent game developer based in Sweden called Coldwood Interactive. They have previously made games that are mostly sport dominated and very different to this genre of game. Unravel is more of a puzzle game that is quite similar to games like Little Big Planet (well that is what is reminded me of as soon as i saw it).


It is set in a realistic looking world that i feel adds to the whole meaning of narrative. When watching an interview the Creator and Director of the game (Martin Sahlin) he spoke about making the game in a realistic setting in order to make the physics of the game as realistic as possible and allow the character to react to the environment as it would in the real world.


Not only does the realistic scenery make the game even more lovelier than it is already is, it also compliments the story behind the game.

The story behind the game is all about looking at the idea of love, and thinking about love as a physical object ( in this case a ball of wool called Yarny) and what would happen if love was supposedly to unravel or run out. The main aim of the game is to not unravel although moving further and further away from the source of love that you started with.


Just hearing that concept of the game made me personally fall in love with it straight away. Just a simple concept represented in such a beautiful way. The game takes you on a journey that allows you to explore so many different worlds and environments but also stimulates your mind to work out different puzzles and just different ways in which you can move from one area to the other.

I am also a great lover for the soundtrack of this game. From the gameplay i have seen the soundtrack just compliments the game so beautifully and this was definitely something i was expecting from such a gentle and sensitive concept. It just shows that it is not only a visually stunning game but also something that is pleasing on the ears and just becomes and all rounded experience to enjoy and become immerse in.


With the release date of this game very near, i recommend everyone who really appreciates those simple but powerful games to really take a look at this title and give it a chance. Definitely a game that i feel everyone can relate to and really open their hearts to and possibly learn something from and i cant wait to see the whole game when it is released and find out what more it can offer.





One to Watch!!

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

I think this game has definitely been on my radar ever since i knew Olly Moss was one of the artist on the game. I mean I’m not being biased now because i really love Olly Moss’s work but this game actually looks pretty decent to be honest!



To see a game as beautiful as this and with such a beautiful colour palette, it is hard not to be drawn to this game. Set in such a beautiful place, it gives the player such a beautiful experience visually to just sit back and play this game. It kind of reminds me abit of Journey (another great PlayStation exclusive, that everyone should definitely check out), they are quite different games in terms of narrative but in terms of the pure idilic scenery and simplistic gameplay i could definitely see a similarity in the types of players the may choose to explore this game.



A game set in the summer of 1989, you play a middle age man named Henry who befriends a woman over a walkie talkie called Delilah. You see their relationship blossom over the period of the game and you are given the choice in how this conversations go and how far your relationships will grow over time.


Although quite a simple concept, i feel it is a very clever one. To be honest, i feel most games now a days are really exploring the simple but effective ways in which we can all engage with a game and allowing players to really have freedom of choice rather than following a very restriction narrative path.

When watching the commentated video featuring Sean Vanaman (Writer) and Jake Rodkin (Director), they spoke about the game being set in a real place with a realistic character and i feel they done this to really give it that relatable feel and just make the dialogue and connection between the characters something to really considered and think about as you progress through the game.

Campo Santo are just a small little development company is San Francisco but i believe after this game they will definitely become a name to the remember in the industry!

With the release of this game coming out in just a few days (February 9th 2016), i cant wait to see what comes of this game. I believe it is exclusive to Playstation but will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux. So definitely look out for this title and give it ago!!

Hopefully it lives up to the great footage is has been showing up to its release!




I would definitely recommend this game to anyone to isn’t looking for a really intense game that involves combat and fighting and is more about the laid back side of gaming that merely just stimulates the mind and encourages you to dive into the narrative and really explore the characters you work with along the way.

Check out the trailer here:



Beta on Point!!

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

After being MEGA excited about this game when the trailer game out last year, i couldn’t  wait to see what other footage and information Ubisoft would release along the way and here we are, the good old beta!! The big test for any game before it comes out and all i can say is…

What a great job you have done Ubisoft

definitely a step up from the Assassins Creeds and Watchdog


Set in a time when no one can be trusted and the world is just a big old corrupted place (not much different to now a days), this game really tests the pure instinct to survive in a destroyed and empty city. With customisable features (that weren’t fully up and running during the beta but will be on release) you are able to really get in the nooks and crannies of your character and build the ideal solider for you. Whether you want to be the solider with the stylish hair and hipster beard or the woman that still looks flawlessss despite the circumstances, this is all possible.



What i also loved about this beta or just the game in general to be honest was the amount of detail in the scenery. It really set the scale and size for the game and really gave that free roaming experience that extra bonus to just make you want to go out there any explore and the small touch of adding such realistic weather conditions was brilliant. I mean i am already impressed with the small things in the beta, so i can only just imagine what the final product should look like.



There is also a section called the Dark Zone that is the multiplayer part of the game, that just involves you surviving to be honest and trying not to go rogue. It has a whole different levelling up system and contains different areas like the contaminated zone which i am not too sure what that is yet but this type of game is loads of fun when you have a good little team with you to help you through against any mad rogue players.

Talking about combat, this beta definitely showed what The Division has to offered and i am super excited, despite the glitches (which is understandable in a beta) the games combat style is pretty nice actually! It plays pretty smooth and the futuristic style to the game definitely gives it that edge when playing (kind of reminds abit of Watchdogs in that sense but don’t worry, it isn’t like it in any way to be honest)


I think overall they did quite well with this beta and it has definitely made me even more excited for the final release of this game. This is definitely something people should be investing in this spring!! Hopefully it the final release just wows me even more!!



Recommended for anyone who really enjoy a good RPG, with endless gameplay and a big open space to explore and gain valuable loot and surprises.


FarCry Primal: Behind the Scenes

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

After my previous post talking about the infinite possibilities FarCry really having brining out a game like Primal. i feel this video gives me more confidence in them potentially pulling off the idea.

Really taking the idea of the primal man and how that can really create a fully immersive game for people to enjoy. The game is all about when man took ownership and started being the hunter rather than the hunted.

The game also provides players with a large variety of ecosystems that can vary based factors like if you are playing during the night and day. This is a feature i found very interesting and realistic.

Another realistic aspects is the way in which they allows players to build and craft their own weapons as they would in the Stone Age. As Jean – Sebastien Decant stated, there is only really things like rocks and bone that gave us some indication on what the world was like back then so that gave them alot of movement throughout the game to really try out new ideas and take a creative spin on how they would present the world in the game. This could come down to different things like the culture and there way in which humans would interact with each other etc.

I feel FarCry could really be on to another great game here and I can’t wait to hear more about this game. I also feel it will be interesting to compare to the upcoming game Horizon Zero Dawn by Guerrilla Games. Although Horizon is combining that primal feel with a more futuristic feel and the developers will be quite different in terms of playing style, i feel it will just be interesting to see how both games pull of the presenting that era to an audience.


Not Bad Bungie

Game, Game Reviews, Uncategorized

After the last releases of DLC by Bungie for Destiny I wasn’t really sure about if I would really stick with the franchise for the next 10 years but after seeing The Taken King, I think there could be a future for Destiny 


After killing Crota you have made his father Oryz very mad and now he is basically trying to kill you but do not fear as a guardian someone has got your back and will help you take out this crazy man.

With an expansion pack filled with incredible new guns, new enemies and even new subclasses there is plenty of fun to have in this DLC
Lighting Maniac

With all of the classes there is a specific mission abit like a communion for guardians which allows them to embrace their powers and give it a go with a never ending stream of super chargers to kill a endless stream of enemies.

With this guardian you can summon the power of lighting to pass through your fingers and fry any enemy, it is a lot of fun and literally makes you feel invincible but during regular gameplay probably won’t have that much of an impact. 

Bad Ass Tomb Raider

Similarly to the bow and arrow that Ms Croft obtains you have now become the Lara Croft of Destiny and you are now in charge of a bad ass bow which allows you to connect enemies by this power line link to other enemies which allows you to take them out just like that.

Although my description does not really do it justice, I would honestly say this is my favourite out of the 3. It really takes off a lot of life off the enemies and is just so fun to have control of.

If you are looking for a guardian that can shoot fire out of a crazy hammer and take out enemies just like that then this is the guardian for you. 

This Titan doesn’t mess when it comes to super chargers. When enemy see them coming they will definitely run. 

Although this subclass doesn’t really impact on taking out a lot of enemies, it is definitely a crazy and fun time but I think as this subclass progresses it will definitely get better 

(F.Y.I- the trailer makes the Titan look so much better than it is) 

I think overall I really enjoyed the landscape for his DLC too. Although some missions were still in familiar areas that we all know, there were also brand new places that looks incredible and I really liked the kind of vibe they have created in this one. 


Ooh and I also forgot to mention, all classes get a new dance move too, so look forward to those mini raves we all have in the tower with everyone showing off their new moves 
The Verdict

Overall I feel this DLC has done pretty well and I’m looking forward to seeing what Bungie has to over next for the foreseeable future!! 


Until Dawn Review

Game, Game Reviews

After months and months of anticipating this game i knew i would not be disappointed with how this game would turn out. The whole concept and idea of this game was brilliant and even if it wasn’t completely mind blowing, it would definitely show potential and spark and interest for other games that would want to experiment with techniques used in this game.



The game follows a very similar narrative to a typical teen slasher type movie but with a twist of course. It is a video game. You meet 8 friends who all decide to meet at a very unappealing scaring cabin in an isolated woods to somehow bring them closer together after a massive tragedy that happen last year but of course nothing goes to plan and crazy stuff happens but what is so lovely about this plot line is that every is moulding to the game style that you prefer and the decision you make.


Butterfly Effect

Although this is a concept that has been explored and tried before in this case they have referred to it as the Butterfly Effect. Suggesting that every decision you may will have an ongoing effect on the story through the game, even effecting who lives or dies in the game.

This is what i feel make the game stands out from the rest of the horror games available on the market. I know there has been countless times in horror films (on the rare occasion that i do watch one) that all the characters make the wrong decisions or decide to walk alone and leave the group or go towards the scary creepy sound BUT this game practically lets you decide if you are going to follow the typical cliche decision they make in horror films or actually keep character alive and get the decent ending. I also love that doing nothing is an option, giving the gamer even more freedom to really shape the game they want and get the story they would like.



Hmm in terms of gameplay, I would say it play pretty smooth. Personally i don’t think can make a major comment on the gameplay because it was a very narrative and cinematic heavy game with gameplay merely just filling the gap between major plot twist and decisions.

If i had to compare it to any other gameplay type i would say it plays quite similar to Quantic Dreams Heavy Rain. Using one analogue stick for walking and the other to move the touch or light for the character.

games_1437565356 gaming-until-dawn-screenshot-4

What could of been better?

I feel at some points the narrative was drawn out bit. Especially the bit with the doctor guy who kept asking you as the player questions about how you play and what scares you. At first i thought it was a brilliant and clever idea but then nearer the end the whole concept started to get confusing and made me lose interest in that whole section of the game.

And in terms of replay value i feel the game has a decent amount of content that you could play over again and get different endings for the overall game but after playing it once i don’t think i would play the game again. The jump scares and scary moments in the game would literally become pointless because you would know when they were coming and anticipate the scare rather just react naturally.


As a whole i feel this game did pretty well for the first sort of horror game to really try out this method. I feel it has set a good bar for the next games to follow and attempt this concept. I would love to see where these games go next especially on next gen consoles.



Check out the Trailer Here:

Hitman E3 2015 Review

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

Hmm watching this trailer was quite interesting during the Playstation conference. I was not expecting it at all but when i saw the first few moments of it, i just somehow knew it was Hitman. I like the new feel it has to it, almost like Hitman has had a upgrade or some sort for the next gen console but you can still get that original Hitman feeling…if that makes any sense haha

Sooo lets get down to business…

The Goodies

I am a sucker for a really good cinematic and this was definitely a good cinematic for the game. I like that it has that sort of movie film to it and there was no cliche voice over to talk you through the trailer, it just allowed you as the viewer to embrace and learn about the game as the time goes on. Almost as if the game will just speak for its self and no words are required.

The trailer actually reminded me of how one of the early Watchdog trailers came across but that isnt necessarily a good thing because the game didn’t really resemble that trailer BUT otherwise the trailer looked good!!

I did have a look at the gameplay trailer but wasn’t too impressed in terms of graphics but i was impressed with the idea of having your own style when performing your assassinations and being given the room to improvise when playing the game. I also thought It was super awesome that they gave players the option to explore the world and access time limited missions that will only surface once. This just scream massive replay value and suggest that the game will also be relevant in providing new a fresh content compared to other games that already have programmed missions.

As I have said in previous reviews, next generation console are taking the open world to a whole new level and really challenging the player to really play how they would like to play and make the game all about them. Especially with a game like Hitman that is all about being that solo top assassin, the style of an open world game is something that would compliment Hitman perfectly and everything it is all about. Every assassin has their own style and the new game is all about bring that out of the player



Uncharted 4 E3 Gameplay Review

Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

I would have to say that Playstation conference was pretty good. I wasn’t blown away but it was good. It was almost like they thought more about what the fans were looking for and wanted and not necessarily trying to chuck out a massive line of games coming out this year.


Just when you thought the conference was over, they suddenly state that there is just a bit more time for one more title and you just knew what it was going to be.

As the black screen loaded and you saw the infamous Naughty Dog logo, you knew what was coming. All I could think was, “How are they going to top the last release of gameplay for Uncharted”

New Features – Well the ones loved anyway

  • No interruption when in cover

This is something that could be consider so small and i guess i noticed more when playing online but it something i really appreciate. To be able to be in cover and flawless move around the other person whilst in combat especially is something very important and I am happy they added that in.

  • More of an open world feel

When playing Uncharted in the past, I have also noticed that the game is very linear and always encouraged you to go in the right direction when playing the game. There was no real room to really explore the area or go off track somewhere and explore another mission but when watching gameplay at E3 it seems that Uncharted are really making full use of the next generation consoles.

To be honest it feel like most games now a days are creating that open world feel and it is nice to see a classic like Uncharted is taking this idea forward.

I think the explorative feel is all about giving the player more power and control and giving them the options to really make the game their game and create their own style when playing.

  • DRIVING!!!!

This was something loads of people noticed and was a big step for the Uncharted series. I am honestly not the best driver in any video game but I was crazy excited that you can drive and will be definitely giving that a go. I love that you can drive off road too and once again really take full use of the open world feel of the game.

I also enjoy the little feature of being able to use the grapple hook and change from driving into control the aim of the grapple. For some reason i just loved it and i can’t wait for those kind of surprises in the final edition of the game.

So to conclude…

I feel  Uncharted will still be the game we all know but it has just been taken to a whole new level. Beautiful graphics, incredibly flawless combat and of coursing driving are all things that are going to make Uncharted one of the best games to be released next year. Staying up at 2 in the morning was definitely worth it to watch the whole Playstation conference but also see a bit more Uncharted

Tom Clancy’s: The Division Gameplay

Game, Upcoming Games, Update

I am already sold with this game.

I don’t usually like games like this but this just looks incredible. The game just play so smooth and there is sooo much detail in the layout and locations the characters are placed in.

I also love the futurist aspects of the game and how well it is incorporated into the story and the gameplay. The Division just seems like a game that you can just get completely lost, not just by yourself but with you friends as well i can’t wait to jump in and give the game a go!!

Dead Island 2 Trailer

Game, Upcoming Games, Update

I have never really been a Dead Island fan so i wouldn’t really know much about the previous instalment but from what i know, i am assuming it is just a cliche zombie game with not much of a strong story compared to games like The Last of Us.


I definitely feel in love with this trailer, i love the humorous aspects they added to their trailer. It was a very fresh way to promote a game i like that it wasn’t like all the other serious and dark games that they are going alongside.

I think i will still be looking out for this game but it is not one of my favourite but this trailer has definitely spiked up my interested about he game and who knows i may become a fan.