Fingers Crossed

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

With animals being such a large part of all the Far Cry games, it is about time they really embrace that part of the franchise and really go forward with the idea of producing a game heavily dominated by your survival with these animals.

Especially with the time period they are working with, there will definitely be a beautiful array of animals to interactive with in this game (not necessarily all friendly ones).

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I think with so many animals and tribal type vibes given off in the last game, i feel FarCry will pull off a game that looks really good and plays pretty well but story wise, i am not really sure how they will approach it.

I believe the game could could one of two ways:

Mind Blowing

The game could really incorporate features with the next generation console and really make use of the beautiful graphics and provide us with outstanding scenery and animals and introduce us to missions aren’t just using a grapple hook (very awkwardly) to get up a cliff. I really hope they make full use of the touchpad and really bring that into the game next year and just also give us a feel for a new sort of step for FarCry and really make it obvious that this is going to be something different.

The Same Old Thing

It is very easy for games to kind of give a whole new idea a go whilst still incorporated the best bits about their previous games.However i feel Primal could go either way and just be like all the other FarCry but we are not wearing tribal clothing, i think it is a great opportunity for the franchise to really broaden and branch off and bring in new fans essentially but it needs to take all the best bits of all the FarCrys and bring in some new features to really give this game its own identity (after all if they really wanted to make a whole new game it wouldn’t still have the FarCry title). I have heard comments of it being a bit like a Ice Age rip off but lets hope they conjure up an interesting story (with not too many side missions, please!) and really show us what the Stone Age had to offer

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I think from what i can see in this trailer and the style in which Ubisoft produce FarCry games, I feel this could be a really good game next year. I can’t wait to see what else they will release and when we can all get our hands on some gameplay.

Overall, this has now joined the list of games that have either been delayed or are being released in 2016 that i just can’t wait to see and hopefully it will stay that way as the year progresses.

Release Date 

23rd February (Europe) – Put that date in your Calendar

PC – March 2016

Uncharted 4 E3 Gameplay Review

Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

I would have to say that Playstation conference was pretty good. I wasn’t blown away but it was good. It was almost like they thought more about what the fans were looking for and wanted and not necessarily trying to chuck out a massive line of games coming out this year.


Just when you thought the conference was over, they suddenly state that there is just a bit more time for one more title and you just knew what it was going to be.

As the black screen loaded and you saw the infamous Naughty Dog logo, you knew what was coming. All I could think was, “How are they going to top the last release of gameplay for Uncharted”

New Features – Well the ones loved anyway

  • No interruption when in cover

This is something that could be consider so small and i guess i noticed more when playing online but it something i really appreciate. To be able to be in cover and flawless move around the other person whilst in combat especially is something very important and I am happy they added that in.

  • More of an open world feel

When playing Uncharted in the past, I have also noticed that the game is very linear and always encouraged you to go in the right direction when playing the game. There was no real room to really explore the area or go off track somewhere and explore another mission but when watching gameplay at E3 it seems that Uncharted are really making full use of the next generation consoles.

To be honest it feel like most games now a days are creating that open world feel and it is nice to see a classic like Uncharted is taking this idea forward.

I think the explorative feel is all about giving the player more power and control and giving them the options to really make the game their game and create their own style when playing.

  • DRIVING!!!!

This was something loads of people noticed and was a big step for the Uncharted series. I am honestly not the best driver in any video game but I was crazy excited that you can drive and will be definitely giving that a go. I love that you can drive off road too and once again really take full use of the open world feel of the game.

I also enjoy the little feature of being able to use the grapple hook and change from driving into control the aim of the grapple. For some reason i just loved it and i can’t wait for those kind of surprises in the final edition of the game.

So to conclude…

I feel  Uncharted will still be the game we all know but it has just been taken to a whole new level. Beautiful graphics, incredibly flawless combat and of coursing driving are all things that are going to make Uncharted one of the best games to be released next year. Staying up at 2 in the morning was definitely worth it to watch the whole Playstation conference but also see a bit more Uncharted

Don’t Worry…I’m Alive!!!

Game, Uncategorized, Upcoming Games, Update

Wow, i don’t even know how long it has been since i last posted. I have been so busy trying to get final work due in for college and just gather what i sleep i can when i can that i haven’t had a chance to blog.



The time has come my friends. E3 has begun and i am ready to rant and rave about all the games that i am hyped about!!


The Papa Jay Knows Blog


Excited to start a new blog and share my ideas and views with everyone on word press. I will mostly just be talking about things like games and films and just general interest that i have. 


Hope you enjoy!!