The Wait is Over!!!

Game, Horror, Upcoming Games

Words could not explain how devastated i was when i heard the announcement of the cancel of Silent Hill P.T. I thought the game was brilliant and it was one of those horror games that had the perfect balance of minimal gameplay but a terrifying and horrific atmosphere to set the game and keep you playing


Just when i thought all hope was gone. A indie company called Lilith Ltd created an insane looking game called Allison Road. A game that has been stated as the spiritual successor of Silent Hills P.T. When watching the gameplay and trailer for this title, there was no moment that i felt at ease and i feel the potential for this game is incredible and i cant wait for its release.


This game was initially created by horror game lover Chris Kesler, his love for video games led him to make one of his own and really set the bar for the type of horror games he wanted to see in the industry and he has definitely set a whole new playing field for all games to be released after this title.

I feel with any really intense horror game, playing in first person is always a good shout. You just feel like you are actually presence within the game and things just feel more immersive. Due to the makers of the game using Unreal Engine 4 the graphics are also an element that really had the scary factor to the game.


I think that is also a reason for why people are comparing this game to the Silent Hill P.T. It seems to follow that perfect formula of minimalistic gameplay alongside a enticing storyline. I also love that is it somewhere that is quite familiar, so everyone can really relate and feel the fear as they explore this old town house.


This game is set in a British townhouse that was a home to a family that have been the victim of a hideous crime and you play a currently named protagonist exploring the house and trying to learn what has happened to your family and what is the strange presence in the house. The woman that has been pictured in the trailer and gameplay has been suggested to be your deranged wife who has been taken over by some bad sprits.


Personally, anything to do with possession and ghost is always something that freaks me out, so this game will definitely scare the hell out of me but just purely other factors like the exceptional lighting and ambience within the game is enough to to make the hairs stand on the back of the neck. This game the perfect concoction of an excellent horror game.


Although this is a little review of the game and how i feel before its release, i feel the only way to really summaries this title is to just play it and give it a go. With everyone being devastated by the cancel of the Silent Hill P.T, i feel this is the game to fill that space or even possibly exceed it but only time will tell and there is definitely a never ending line of people who cant wait to get their hands on this and play it. So prepare yourself from now for this insane experience because i am sure after a play through of Allison Road, you won’t be sleeping for days.




Developers: Lilith Ltd

Release: TBA 2016


FarCry Primal: Behind the Scenes

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

After my previous post talking about the infinite possibilities FarCry really having brining out a game like Primal. i feel this video gives me more confidence in them potentially pulling off the idea.

Really taking the idea of the primal man and how that can really create a fully immersive game for people to enjoy. The game is all about when man took ownership and started being the hunter rather than the hunted.

The game also provides players with a large variety of ecosystems that can vary based factors like if you are playing during the night and day. This is a feature i found very interesting and realistic.

Another realistic aspects is the way in which they allows players to build and craft their own weapons as they would in the Stone Age. As Jean – Sebastien Decant stated, there is only really things like rocks and bone that gave us some indication on what the world was like back then so that gave them alot of movement throughout the game to really try out new ideas and take a creative spin on how they would present the world in the game. This could come down to different things like the culture and there way in which humans would interact with each other etc.

I feel FarCry could really be on to another great game here and I can’t wait to hear more about this game. I also feel it will be interesting to compare to the upcoming game Horizon Zero Dawn by Guerrilla Games. Although Horizon is combining that primal feel with a more futuristic feel and the developers will be quite different in terms of playing style, i feel it will just be interesting to see how both games pull of the presenting that era to an audience.


Fingers Crossed

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

With animals being such a large part of all the Far Cry games, it is about time they really embrace that part of the franchise and really go forward with the idea of producing a game heavily dominated by your survival with these animals.

Especially with the time period they are working with, there will definitely be a beautiful array of animals to interactive with in this game (not necessarily all friendly ones).

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I think with so many animals and tribal type vibes given off in the last game, i feel FarCry will pull off a game that looks really good and plays pretty well but story wise, i am not really sure how they will approach it.

I believe the game could could one of two ways:

Mind Blowing

The game could really incorporate features with the next generation console and really make use of the beautiful graphics and provide us with outstanding scenery and animals and introduce us to missions aren’t just using a grapple hook (very awkwardly) to get up a cliff. I really hope they make full use of the touchpad and really bring that into the game next year and just also give us a feel for a new sort of step for FarCry and really make it obvious that this is going to be something different.

The Same Old Thing

It is very easy for games to kind of give a whole new idea a go whilst still incorporated the best bits about their previous games.However i feel Primal could go either way and just be like all the other FarCry but we are not wearing tribal clothing, i think it is a great opportunity for the franchise to really broaden and branch off and bring in new fans essentially but it needs to take all the best bits of all the FarCrys and bring in some new features to really give this game its own identity (after all if they really wanted to make a whole new game it wouldn’t still have the FarCry title). I have heard comments of it being a bit like a Ice Age rip off but lets hope they conjure up an interesting story (with not too many side missions, please!) and really show us what the Stone Age had to offer

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I think from what i can see in this trailer and the style in which Ubisoft produce FarCry games, I feel this could be a really good game next year. I can’t wait to see what else they will release and when we can all get our hands on some gameplay.

Overall, this has now joined the list of games that have either been delayed or are being released in 2016 that i just can’t wait to see and hopefully it will stay that way as the year progresses.

Release Date 

23rd February (Europe) – Put that date in your Calendar

PC – March 2016

Silent Ninja

Game, Game Reviews

Maybe it is just me but i have literally not heard anything about this game. After being released right after the release of the film, i would of thought this game would of been extremely popular and been something that everyone was talking about but i have heard nothing.

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I honestly feel this is a game that is really underrated especially for how well it plays. The combat is pretty smooth and plays quite similar to the combat in Batman and it kind of get a feel of borderlands with this game but i think that is purely just because of the settings and the crazy nature of the characters in this game.

I feel this game should definitely be talked about more. Compared to some AAA titles that are coming out that aren’t that good but just get publicity because that are big names could easily be measured up to this game. Although this is only a light review and just wanted to put this post out there, i may do a deeper review in the future on this one.

Check out the trailer here:

First Look: Metal Gear Solid

Game, Game Reviews

I only title this review as First Look because of how insanely long the game is and there is no way i can do a full review for it now and do it justice. I have merely just touching the surface of this game and giving a little mini review on how i feel about it so far.

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Just the introduction of this game can purely speak for how great the cinematic cutscenes are in this game. With such a rich story i was expecting a great cutscene but not that good. With such incredible detail in the cutscenes you just become fully immersed in the narrative and sometimes forget you are playing a game.And the beautiful transition from gameplay to cutscene is beautiful and something to definitely appreciate when playing the game.

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For those of you who aren’t massive fans of the cinematic cut scenes, the gameplay definitely does make up for it. I feel it is definitely a game that takes full advantage of the next gen console and producing those eye watering graphics that you expect from games now a days. The game plays very smoothly and still keeps some of the old mechanics from some of the early games and even keeps the little details, such as the famous cardboard box.


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This isn’t usually something i would make a comment about when reviewing a game but on this occasion i will definitely let you guys know about this pretty good soundtrack. For the part that i have seen of the game, the soundtrack is pretty good. Good enough for me to take notice any notice of anyway and i feel it compliments everything great about the game. It really creates that atmosphere in a game that uses all your sense and makes you really become the player within the game rather than just a robot playing a game set out for you by developers.


I feel (as expected) this game has blown everyone away and is doing brilliantly so far. Although a very long game, it has incredible replay value and gives the play a type of freedom to choose their style of combat and approach to a mission and explore different part of the “open world” of Metal Gear Solid. I can’t wait to see more of this game!!



Check out the trailer here:

Until Dawn Review

Game, Game Reviews

After months and months of anticipating this game i knew i would not be disappointed with how this game would turn out. The whole concept and idea of this game was brilliant and even if it wasn’t completely mind blowing, it would definitely show potential and spark and interest for other games that would want to experiment with techniques used in this game.



The game follows a very similar narrative to a typical teen slasher type movie but with a twist of course. It is a video game. You meet 8 friends who all decide to meet at a very unappealing scaring cabin in an isolated woods to somehow bring them closer together after a massive tragedy that happen last year but of course nothing goes to plan and crazy stuff happens but what is so lovely about this plot line is that every is moulding to the game style that you prefer and the decision you make.


Butterfly Effect

Although this is a concept that has been explored and tried before in this case they have referred to it as the Butterfly Effect. Suggesting that every decision you may will have an ongoing effect on the story through the game, even effecting who lives or dies in the game.

This is what i feel make the game stands out from the rest of the horror games available on the market. I know there has been countless times in horror films (on the rare occasion that i do watch one) that all the characters make the wrong decisions or decide to walk alone and leave the group or go towards the scary creepy sound BUT this game practically lets you decide if you are going to follow the typical cliche decision they make in horror films or actually keep character alive and get the decent ending. I also love that doing nothing is an option, giving the gamer even more freedom to really shape the game they want and get the story they would like.



Hmm in terms of gameplay, I would say it play pretty smooth. Personally i don’t think can make a major comment on the gameplay because it was a very narrative and cinematic heavy game with gameplay merely just filling the gap between major plot twist and decisions.

If i had to compare it to any other gameplay type i would say it plays quite similar to Quantic Dreams Heavy Rain. Using one analogue stick for walking and the other to move the touch or light for the character.

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What could of been better?

I feel at some points the narrative was drawn out bit. Especially the bit with the doctor guy who kept asking you as the player questions about how you play and what scares you. At first i thought it was a brilliant and clever idea but then nearer the end the whole concept started to get confusing and made me lose interest in that whole section of the game.

And in terms of replay value i feel the game has a decent amount of content that you could play over again and get different endings for the overall game but after playing it once i don’t think i would play the game again. The jump scares and scary moments in the game would literally become pointless because you would know when they were coming and anticipate the scare rather just react naturally.


As a whole i feel this game did pretty well for the first sort of horror game to really try out this method. I feel it has set a good bar for the next games to follow and attempt this concept. I would love to see where these games go next especially on next gen consoles.



Check out the Trailer Here:

Beyond Two Souls Coming to the PS4

Game, Game Reviews, Update

After having a pretty decent conference at E3, i then hear news of PS4 planning to bring games like Beyond Two Souls on the next gen console with a deleted scene to come along with it.

Quantic Dream (The developers) are all about the interactive story that really engages you as a player and gets you to make conscious decisions as you play throughout the game in order to get the prefer ending to the story.

Brief Outline of the Plot

You play as a young woman called Jodie at different and key moments throughout her life. You could go from being 8 year old Jodie to 18 year old Jodie in two different missions but it is like massive puzzle of her life and you as a player are putting all these parts of her life together and trying to make sense and a conclusion of the whole thing.

Will it work on the PS4

Personally i believe this game will be perfect for the PS4. I think they could of even waited to just release it solely on the PS4 because i feel like a game of that nature will really use all the features available on the next ten console like the touchpad on the controller.

Hope in the future I will do a few walkthroughs on my channel for you guys out there that have never experience Beyond Two Souls!! Definitely a game to check out!! I will also be considering to play another Quantic Dream called Heavy Rain.

Heavy Rain has a similar gameplay style and narrative but a larger variety in characters and situation and more of  narrative that puts you in very pressurise situation and circumstances.

BUT YES back to what we were saying!!! I can’t wait for Beyond Two Souls to come to PS4 and look forward to how they really use the facilities available on next gen to make the game even better.

The Leibster Award – Thank you!!

Adventure, Update

“What is The Leibster award? Well, think of other bloggers to recognize each others greatness. So of course the other day I was nominated for this award. The objective is to answer 11 Questions and then nominate 11 blogs under 500 followers and ask them 11 questions, then you must leave a comment on the page of those you nominate to let them now they have been nominated!. So Lets get started!”

I have never heard of this award but i am honoured to be nominated by I never really thought anyone would see my blog let alone even nominate me for having a  ‘fun’ blog 😀

So I will give these questions a go and do my best:

1)Why did you decide to start to blog?

i decided to start my blog because i am usually a person who likes to voice my opinion on things that i enjoy and feel passionate about. I was considering starting a vlog but i wasn’t really sure whether i was ready for that yet or let alone if anyone really agreed with anything i was saying. But hey, i love blogging!!

2)What is your favourite memory?

Hmm i don’t actually know. My memory is terrible but i would have to say my favourite memory was when i got my first job. I remember spending over a year trying to secure just one job and when i was told i got the job it was an amazing feeling of satisfaction and relief. It gave me a great feeling of independence for me because i could fund loads of things i wanted to do without depending on my mum and i could just have more responsibility and just feel like a young woman haha

3)Who inspires you?

I have honestly never aspired to be like anybody but i find anyone inspiring that goes and strives for what they believe in. I am quite an ambitious person and meeting somebody who does what they can to be where they want to be is 100% inspiring.

I am also inspired by anybody that stays with what they believe in. In this day an age is is easy to just stick with the crowd and just agree with what everyone else but it takes a strong and well grounded person to stick with what they believe and i love that.

4)What is your current goal in life?

My current goal in life is to get in to one of my top three universities and pursue my career in Graphic Design. I love being creative and i am now in a stage of my life that i feel i have been waiting forever for. It is almost like my whole academic life has been leading up to this moment and not only can i not wait to work towards becoming the Creative Art Director i also cant wait to experience that universities and explore who i am.

5)How would you describe yourself?

Oh gosh, i hate these kind of questions. Ummm, i would say i am a very dynamic person that changes my mind all the time and is always going for new things and wanting to try new things. I am always looking at new ways to do things and learn new things. I have been told i am quite bossy but i don’t think that is the case 😉 , i just like things a certain way i guess :S

6)How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?

A lot of wood, that is for sure

7)What do you do for fun?

For fun i like to do loads of things. I have always had a close net of friends who i have known since i was about 2 and we will go on crazy adventures that young kids do like driving down the road in a trolley, catching up and having crazy parties haha. I also love to play games in my spare time and listen to music and just relax i guess.

8)What is your dream vacation?

Right now my dream vacation would either be going to Iceland and relaxing the geothermal pools and watching the northern lights or going to the untourist areas of Japan and seeing all the natural areas ( I am imagine it would be something like Kung Fu Panda or something and if it is…i really want to go) or…go to Atlanta or New York for a while haha.

9)What is your favourite quote?

I will have to get back to you on that one…(that isn’t a quote..i honestly can’t think of one)

10)Do you enjoy running a blog?

I love running a blog but i hope as i gain more of an audience as i go along, i get more active users. I would rather have less followers and a more active audience that loads of silent followers. So if you like my blog and follow me!!!…say Hey 🙂

11)What do I plan to do now?

i plan to just do some coursework and prepare for work tomorrow and maybe plan for my next blog.

Thank you once again to for the nomination and i will go on to nominate 11 other bloggers and they are:












So here is what the Nominees must do! They Must Answer my 11 questions. Then they Must Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers, and then they must ask their nominees 11 questions. Once that is done, go to the blog of your nominees and let them now they were nominated. And so the cycle goes on and on and on,

Your Questions:

1)What would you like to be doing in 10 years time?

2)Why did you start blogging?

3)Who is your favourite artist?

4)What is your biggest achievement so far?

5)What would your dream job be?

6)What is your favourite?

7) If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

8) Who is your favourite blogger and why?

9) What is your favourite food?

10)If you could have anything right now, what would it be?

11) Your next move to getting closer to your goals?

Have Fun!!


Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

After many months of getting my self together and discussing with a friend whether to actually buy the tickets or not. We finally took the leap of faith and brought two tickets to spend a Friday after in Earls Court…….but not everything was how i expected it to be.


Maybe i was just too excited for EGX but everyone just seemed pretty…….boring. I would of expected people to really be buzzing and looking forward to getting their hands on new games and demos but they just seemed like they were being forced to take part in EGX against their own will.

But i didn’t let that crusty atmosphere get me down. i continued to run around EGX and enjoy all i could of what was on offer.


FarCry 4

Hmmm…this was an interesting one. I guess i am already not a huge fan on FPS, so already i am not too keen on FarCry but after seeing the trailer and hearing that Troy Baker (the Brad Pitt of video games) was involved in the game, i had to check it out.

The game was really nice and combat was pretty smooth too. You were able to stealthy kill enemies from a decent distance and the enemies were not the usually dumb enemies that would look straight at you buy walk straight past, they actually would fight against you and make their kill and challenge.

Also, i believe this game should just get a 1 up for just allowing you to ride an elephant. That is awesome.


That loading screen….

literally, the loading screen was so long that people would walk away from the demo. i honestly don’t know anybody that likes a loading screen and this is honestly something they should consider looking at before the releasing the game.



Batman: Arkham Knight

After queuing longer than i should have and hearing “oh, it is just a couple of minutes longer” about a hundred times -.-, i was finally allowed to see the new Batman.

Well, i can say is that i was quite impressed actually. Although the enthusiastic and extremely excited speaker did help bring the awesomeness to the game, i was really impressed with the new features they added to the game.

  • Batmobile

That Batmobile was sooooo awesome and had little features that were really thought through in development. The design of the the Bat Mobile really compliments Batman in almost every situation….even combat.  batman could be knocking the brains out of and enemy and Bat Mobile would be happy to perform the final touch on the knockout. The Batmobile can even find you if you are not sure where you last parked it :O

The driving style can also be adjusted depending on the circumstance. For example if you find your self wanting to have more control of your driving in a tight space, you can adjust the wheels and make sure you don’t drop to your death in the Sexy Batmobile.

The Bat Mobile has just become more of an extension to Batman and makes the game even more enjoyable than it already is.

i actually just realised how much there is to say about the new Batman and i will probably have to make a whole new post for it. Don’t worry, i will post it as soon as possible.

BUTTT…back to the point of EGX, it wasn’t bad to be honest. i thought it would be better but maybe i just went at the wrong time or day but i think my next adventure shall be E3!!!

Overall i would recommend attending EGX but don’t expect any amazing and outstanding and don’t dress up or at least if you do, make sure you costume is incredible and there is no doubt you will win the cosplay competition….partly because nobody dressed up -.-

