The Wait is Over!!!

Game, Horror, Upcoming Games

Words could not explain how devastated i was when i heard the announcement of the cancel of Silent Hill P.T. I thought the game was brilliant and it was one of those horror games that had the perfect balance of minimal gameplay but a terrifying and horrific atmosphere to set the game and keep you playing


Just when i thought all hope was gone. A indie company called Lilith Ltd created an insane looking game called Allison Road. A game that has been stated as the spiritual successor of Silent Hills P.T. When watching the gameplay and trailer for this title, there was no moment that i felt at ease and i feel the potential for this game is incredible and i cant wait for its release.


This game was initially created by horror game lover Chris Kesler, his love for video games led him to make one of his own and really set the bar for the type of horror games he wanted to see in the industry and he has definitely set a whole new playing field for all games to be released after this title.

I feel with any really intense horror game, playing in first person is always a good shout. You just feel like you are actually presence within the game and things just feel more immersive. Due to the makers of the game using Unreal Engine 4 the graphics are also an element that really had the scary factor to the game.


I think that is also a reason for why people are comparing this game to the Silent Hill P.T. It seems to follow that perfect formula of minimalistic gameplay alongside a enticing storyline. I also love that is it somewhere that is quite familiar, so everyone can really relate and feel the fear as they explore this old town house.


This game is set in a British townhouse that was a home to a family that have been the victim of a hideous crime and you play a currently named protagonist exploring the house and trying to learn what has happened to your family and what is the strange presence in the house. The woman that has been pictured in the trailer and gameplay has been suggested to be your deranged wife who has been taken over by some bad sprits.


Personally, anything to do with possession and ghost is always something that freaks me out, so this game will definitely scare the hell out of me but just purely other factors like the exceptional lighting and ambience within the game is enough to to make the hairs stand on the back of the neck. This game the perfect concoction of an excellent horror game.


Although this is a little review of the game and how i feel before its release, i feel the only way to really summaries this title is to just play it and give it a go. With everyone being devastated by the cancel of the Silent Hill P.T, i feel this is the game to fill that space or even possibly exceed it but only time will tell and there is definitely a never ending line of people who cant wait to get their hands on this and play it. So prepare yourself from now for this insane experience because i am sure after a play through of Allison Road, you won’t be sleeping for days.




Developers: Lilith Ltd

Release: TBA 2016



Game, Trailer, Upcoming Games

Recently I was thinking about the lack of horror games that have been out lately. I remember a massive surge of games last year or the year before ( who even knows) where loads of titles were being released like Until Dawn, Evil Within, Outlast, Silent Hill P.T, Remasters of Resident Evil 2 and Alien Isolation (and many many more).

I feel  there must always be a good horror game that will be released each year but this year i haven’t really seen any to be honest but fear not people…there are some awesome titles on the way which are going to blow previous titles out the water!!

Speaking of a good horror game on its way, i will have to mention this incredible new game called Perception!!


It is a narrative driven horror games focusing on a protagonist, who is a blind woman named Cassie. She navigates her way around this very old and haunted house using echolocation (WHICH IS BRILLIANT). I cant believe this is a concept no one had attempted before (and if it has been attempted, why haven’t more people done it). What makes a horror games successful in my eyes, is really keeping that element of surprise and making the player fear the unknown and not know what could be lurking around the corner.

The echolocation features add more fear and that excellent bit of restriction that you need in a horror game to keep you on your toes and alert at all times.


It is also a big break from the norm in most narratives that seem to just go for the completely fit male who is just running around trying to run away from some made haunted character in a strange house. This small change to the protagonist makes perception a whole different game changer in the survival horror world and is definitely something i cant wait to see implemented in other games.

I feel the echolocation will opens your eyes in a strange way when playing the game, it makes you realise how many things around can make a sound and shows sound in a form that we don’t really acknowledge, compared to other games that is purely just added for abit of effect here and there.


With Bill Gardner (Bioshock,Bioshock Infinite) being Lead Designer on this game, I just have a good feeling they are really going to master the creepy element of this game and also a very in depth narrative that will have our heads twisting and turning whilst playing the game.

From what i have heard about the game, Cassie travels through the house and is almost exploring it through time and learning different things about this house as she goes along but what she soon discovers, is that there is a big baddie called presence i believe (or something along those lines) which is more or less an urban myth or legend with in the town but she soon learns very differently.


The antagonist comes across as more of a haunted house rather than a specific human character, the house seems to react to Cassie as she explores it further and the more she makes noise, the more the house will go mad and react to her in different way, like making noises or sending certain entity type things after her.


Although this isn’t a complete review because i haven’t seen the final game yet, i am so excited for this game and feel the right people are behind it to really bring out the full potential of this concept and idea. Not only will it really set a high bar for just the creativity in survival horror games, i feel it will be one of those games that people will differently remember and enjoy time and time again. I look forward to the final release of the game and hope it does incredible well!!




Developers:The Deep End Games

Release: 2016

Im In Love!!

Game, Upcoming Games

One of the cutest games i have seen in a while would have to be this lovely little title here!! With such a cute little story and meaning behind it, it is hard not to fall in love with the little character and just explore the game!!

I remember seeing Unravel being dropped here and there but i didn’t know that much about it but it is definitely a title people should check out!!

This title is made by a independent game developer based in Sweden called Coldwood Interactive. They have previously made games that are mostly sport dominated and very different to this genre of game. Unravel is more of a puzzle game that is quite similar to games like Little Big Planet (well that is what is reminded me of as soon as i saw it).


It is set in a realistic looking world that i feel adds to the whole meaning of narrative. When watching an interview the Creator and Director of the game (Martin Sahlin) he spoke about making the game in a realistic setting in order to make the physics of the game as realistic as possible and allow the character to react to the environment as it would in the real world.


Not only does the realistic scenery make the game even more lovelier than it is already is, it also compliments the story behind the game.

The story behind the game is all about looking at the idea of love, and thinking about love as a physical object ( in this case a ball of wool called Yarny) and what would happen if love was supposedly to unravel or run out. The main aim of the game is to not unravel although moving further and further away from the source of love that you started with.


Just hearing that concept of the game made me personally fall in love with it straight away. Just a simple concept represented in such a beautiful way. The game takes you on a journey that allows you to explore so many different worlds and environments but also stimulates your mind to work out different puzzles and just different ways in which you can move from one area to the other.

I am also a great lover for the soundtrack of this game. From the gameplay i have seen the soundtrack just compliments the game so beautifully and this was definitely something i was expecting from such a gentle and sensitive concept. It just shows that it is not only a visually stunning game but also something that is pleasing on the ears and just becomes and all rounded experience to enjoy and become immerse in.


With the release date of this game very near, i recommend everyone who really appreciates those simple but powerful games to really take a look at this title and give it a chance. Definitely a game that i feel everyone can relate to and really open their hearts to and possibly learn something from and i cant wait to see the whole game when it is released and find out what more it can offer.





Lara is back!!

Game, Game Reviews, Upcoming Games

I can’t wait for this game to come out. Although it is on a timed exclusive with Microsoft, I can’t wait to see this game unfold.

Especially the narrative for the game. It seems filled with incredible locations filled with rich history to explore and have fun with Lara and I can’t wait to see it.

I have always been a Tomb Raider fan and wasn’t nessesarily blown away with the previous instalment of the game but that may of just been because they were almost moulding Lara in a new light that hadn’t been explored before and it was just strange to see Lara like that but now they have brought back a big of the bad ass Lara that everyone know, I’m exciting to see how they present the game.

I’m also really excited to see this new grapple hook Lara has (check out the link)

Although she has had a grapple hook in previous games, I’m excited to see how they have incorporated the hook into this game alongside the new weapons and modes of combat. I have heard that you can control more of Lara’s approaches when being involved with combat with enemies and things like that which shall also be something I will be looking forward to when it is released.
I just hope it is a big step up from the last game and not just something they have chuck together and not thought hard about but let’s just wait and see I guess

Release Date:

November 10, 2015

Silent Ninja

Game, Game Reviews

Maybe it is just me but i have literally not heard anything about this game. After being released right after the release of the film, i would of thought this game would of been extremely popular and been something that everyone was talking about but i have heard nothing.

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I honestly feel this is a game that is really underrated especially for how well it plays. The combat is pretty smooth and plays quite similar to the combat in Batman and it kind of get a feel of borderlands with this game but i think that is purely just because of the settings and the crazy nature of the characters in this game.

I feel this game should definitely be talked about more. Compared to some AAA titles that are coming out that aren’t that good but just get publicity because that are big names could easily be measured up to this game. Although this is only a light review and just wanted to put this post out there, i may do a deeper review in the future on this one.

Check out the trailer here:

Overwatch Lookin Good

Game, Game Reviews, Trailer, Upcoming Games

Very interesting trailer. I really love that it is entertaining and different. A lovely linear narrative gives the trailer a film kind of feel and kept me completely engaged all the way through. Once again another FPS that has drawn me in but lets see what the games is like once the gameplay is released.

With a game that allows you to choose your hero and choose your role is all the right ingredients for producing an enjoyable and successful game. With working as a team being the main objective, it really gives the game that awesome feeling of uniting with friends and completely missions and becoming the ultimate hero of all time.

I feel this game is going to remind me a lot of Borderlands but i think every game that is a FPS with an element of Sci Fi is going to remind of that so…

Check out the trailer and enjoy the experience for yourself

Bloodborne – I don’t really get it??

Game, Upcoming Games

When watching trailers, i feel their job is to grab your attention and get you interested or just show you what the product is all about and what is on offer but with Bloodbourne, i didn’t get any of that.

Especially because this is the first time i am hearing of this game, i will really looking at the game through fresh eyes and an open mind but i was confused for most of the time. There was nothing that really excited and made me want to know more about. I didn’t even find myself concentrating on the actually trailer.

I think they are really not revealing too much about the game but by doing that they have just left me a bit confused and just unsure about the whole thing.

I think as the time draws near to its release, i will gather a complete opinion about this game but for now i am not really impressed. The trailer says nothing for me and i am not excited about it at all.

Far Cry 4 – Can Troy Baker do no wrong??

Game, Upcoming Games, Update

What a very well made trailer!!
Although i have never been a Far Cry fan, i have always loved the way they promote their game in their trailer. You really get a feel for characters and what they are all about and they really made an excellent villain in Far Cry.

I know there has been a lot of gossip going on about this game, especially the artwork for the cover but i feel this game is going to be a good one and once you know the villain is voiced by Troy Baker,….you just know it is going to be good.

I have also seen a bit of the gameplay, but i am still not convinced it is my cup of tea. I can’t wait to see more of this game and see what it has to offer. I have no doubt that it will be successful but for me…it has some big titles to go up against but i think Ubisoft have done a great job this year.

Dead Island 2 Trailer

Game, Upcoming Games, Update

I have never really been a Dead Island fan so i wouldn’t really know much about the previous instalment but from what i know, i am assuming it is just a cliche zombie game with not much of a strong story compared to games like The Last of Us.


I definitely feel in love with this trailer, i love the humorous aspects they added to their trailer. It was a very fresh way to promote a game i like that it wasn’t like all the other serious and dark games that they are going alongside.

I think i will still be looking out for this game but it is not one of my favourite but this trailer has definitely spiked up my interested about he game and who knows i may become a fan.


Game, Upcoming Games, Update


I have honestly been a Tomb Raider fan from day 1. I love that she is such a awesome bad ass female protagonist. I am generally just a lover for strong, independent women and that is definitely who Lara is.

When the 9th instalment of Tomb Raider came out and we didn’t see a badass Lara i was sooo annoyed. I felt that had taken everything that made Lara who she was. They had changed the voice actress and they had made her this delicate female that wouldn’t hurt a fly.

But later on in the story you begin to see that Lara develops as a character and that the 9th instalment for Tomb Raider was almost like a prequel for when everything changed for Lara and now the new trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider is what happen after her big adventure.

Not only is my excited building because the new bad ass Lara is back and will probably be badder than every but the graphics are going to be incredible. I know the next generation hardware is going to give it that smooth transition from cinematic to gameplay but also the game will just look incredible.

With Tomb Raider being known for taking Lara Croft to incredible locations around the world, the next gen graphics will definitely do them justice and make a breathtaking experience for anyone playing the game.

I think this is really a chance for the Tomb Raider to kick ass and show what it can do and i can’t wait to see how they will pull it off