The Sims 4 – Has much really changed?

Game, Game Reviews, Review

After feeling that I had own grown such a game, I caught my self watching the gameplay and video releases of what would be involved in it.

I was highly interested in the fact that moods was a new big thing and the power in which you had to really get specific about the appearance of your character was a feature I really liked.

Every time a Sims game comes out, there are always getting that bit closer to making it as realistic as possible to a certain extent and having more control of the appearance of your character made playing the game just a tad more personal.


In terms of the Sims really setting a new standard similarly to the jump from Sims 1 to 2 is questionable.

Everything seemed to looked the same as Sims 3 and it all seemed to play the game. There was little things that made a tiny difference like features you can ask others sims but it didn’t really feel like a different Sims game all together.

Possibly when expansion are release, it will really bring out what is on offer for the Sims but I feel that could of started of the new series in a better way.

I am also disappointed that they still haven’t made it available on Mac operating system and hopefully this will be looked at and done at a later date.

The Final Verdict

I forgot to add that I haven’t actually played the Sims 4 yet but from footage I have seen I am not too impressed. Although it plays quite smoothly and has some cool little features, it hasn’t really got anything that really stands out to me and makes me want to run to the shops and buy it and for that reason I give this game:


The addiction to becoming that A Lister is unreal

Game, Game Reviews

After my cousin informed me about some addictive game named after somebody I wasn’t so fond of, I thought I would never see myself downloading the Kim game let alone even playing.

But when you haven’t got anything better to do and you need time to kill, it is perfect.

This game is based around how to get yourself from a nobody to a somebody. You do tasks that you would expect anybody wanting to be in that industry would do, like photo shoots, guest appearance etc but….you are basically Kim Kardashian apprentice throughout the game until you are an A Lister. I would of preferred it if it was purely just me making my way up the celebrity ladder but she only bothered me a few times so I wasn’t that annoyed with her whilst playing the game.

To be honest I am not quite sure why it is so addictive but I think you just get a buzz after completely a task and getting rewarded with fans and those very rare and precious K Stars.

And I love the feature they added of saying that the event you are involved in is trending and they present your fame and success in a layout similar to a Twitter Feed.

It is such a clever and relevant way to present your fame in the game because now a days people are so absorbed in social media and can gain instant fame and following from just a retweet or favourite by the right person and next thing you know they are trending and being interviewed by every person with a tv show.

Although this is not a game I would play outside the comfort of my own home (to avoid unbelievable embarrassment), I think it is a great little game to pass the time and follow along with. The tasks get harder as you start to get better and as time goes on, you are quickly on your way to A Lister.

This game hasn’t made me like or dislike Kim anymore than I already did and despite if you are a hater or a fan, you should just give it a go.



Sims 4 rated R18+ In Russiaโ€ฆWhat??

Game, Sims 4, Upcoming Games

Apparently due to the idea of sae sex relationships being an options in the game, Sims 4 has been assigned a R18 rating to “protect their children”

To be honest i think this is ridiculous, although this game is a role playing game replicates some aspects in life, it is still a game at the end of the day and preventing them from playing a game that is usually set at 12+ to now 18+ to basically stop their children from being gay is just silly.

I have added a video to this post, so check out a few things that Sims 4 have to offer.

I have always been a fan of the Sims (it was actually one of the first game i use to play once i joined the gaming world) and i have loved how they have improved the look of the game every time they brought out a new Sims but i am not sure how i feel about this one.

After watching this video, the things that you can do just look the same to me. I may have this opinion because i have just out grown the game but who knows, i might check out the game if any more footage comes out about it